Southfield Primary

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Where learning comes to life


What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about how our curriculum is organised here.

The Quality of Education

At Southfield, we teach a broad and engaging curriculum. We are committed to a quality curriculum, centred on values and core skills for life. The basis of our curriculum is experiential learning, high quality and a belief that every child can succeed. A Wow Factor experience 'kicks off' the learning for each topic and each unit ends with a Showcase where parents are often invited to join in.

Our Foundation Curriculum is organised into topics where links are made between many subject areas to provide context and engagement. We choose to teach some subjects in isolation, such as Religious Education and Physical Education to ensure appropriate curriculum coverage.

Foundation Curriculum Overview

 We follow a curriculum where we share our love of books and our joy of reading. Each topic throughout the school links to books which support children’s learning. The books have been carefully chosen to ensure a balance of books that reflect our children whatever their background, culture, gender, as well as give children opportunities to learn about different backgrounds and cultures.

Our Key Texts


For further information on the resources used in school, please click on the links below.